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Spiritual Perspective

Writer's picture: Amy Jo SearleAmy Jo Searle

This morning I was hit with a word...Perspective. Immediately following I read a post on Facebook by Israel Hanchey that mentioned Point of View. So this got my spiritual senses acute and my spirit awakened with anticipation.

In addition, I had been planning on going up to Momma's Hope today as it is sunshine and nice out. But the closer to time for me to leave, the more I felt a sense of unrest and felt the Holy Spirit was guiding me to "Be still and wait." At the same time, my dog, Castiel, (who I trust more than I trust most people)began acting nervous and sticking close to my side. He settled down when I did not leave.

No, the feeling was so strong that I decided last minute to stay home. So I did my daily video on facebook where I talked about these events. In two devotional I read, were passages that spoke of a veil being lifted. Afterwards, a friend of mine who'd watched me live, commented that she too had been having a feeling of urgency and that she was struck with the phrase "point of view" as well.

I do not believe in coincidences. I feel that is a word to explain away truth that people are fearful of. So while waiting for what God has for me today, I decided to go online and Google the phrase "spiritual perspective" and this is what i found:

Spiritual perspectives are defined as an individual's personal understanding and attitudes regarding their personal spiritual beliefs, the extent to which those beliefs are held, and the degree to which the individual engages in spiritually related interactions

What jumped out at me is the word "personal" as in my personal spiritual journey, which is every moment of my life, every day. The extent of my beliefs is devout. And the degree that I engage is without ceasing. If I'm not praying, I'm teaching scripture through personal experience or I'm writing a life lesson blog post, or I'm looking at other perspectives online. I even listen to prayers when I go to sleep. The times I do leave the house are to go to Momma's Hope, church, celebrate recovery meetings, or to visit a local recovery house to support the women there. I eat, sleep, breathe my faith in God. So what is He trying to tell me today?

Finally, this afternoon, after I thought about everything under the sun sitting on this porch waiting for Him, He asked me what my life looked like from my perspective. Me, who always has something to say, got quiet. What does my life look like to me?

From my perspective, my life is blessed. I have a place to live, food in my stomach, and am in a position to do whatever God leads me to do. The moment I said that out loud, I sat back and just breathed, my heart pounding.

All too often we get bogged down in what we think we can't do. Or we are so used to the habit of complaining that we just complain. I have absolutely nothing to complain about and no reason not to do anything God puts in my heart to do. In that moment I realized that I can actually have whatever life I want, do anything, with no restrictions. Whatever complaints I have are from a place of no gratitude. And that is not the place I want to reside.

That was the unrest I was feeling today, the knowing in my spirit even though I did not understand with my mind yet that God was about to correct something in my life. I had hoped for a blessing, and it is! Clarity and understanding. Praise God!

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