Just wow. God started a series of lessons for me bright an early this morning with my daily scripture blog, the reading of Psalms 35, John 15:4-5 Daily Scripture on my phone, and then in a post by Israel Hanchey called Know How to God Higher than an Eagle?.
When I receive a lesson, God almost always puts me to the test immediately. Sure enough when I logged into facebook this morning, I read two messages from people of my past trying to bring me down into their dark drama. Their attempts were intended by the enemy but God used them to drive his message this morning home. So i rebuked their evil and blocked them. Before I would have fell into the trap of trying to argue, reason, or change their minds. I did not today.
I am so grateful for the work God has led me to do on myself. Yesterday I felt that I hadn't made much progress at all but today, God showed me I had. I knew there was a lesson waiting for me when I started the day.
I struggle a lot with watching my mouth. Little by little I feel like I am making progress with breaking a habit I learned when I was young. I am so thankful that God is patient with me while I undo this bad habit.
Someone said to me "I can't stop being me." My response to this statement is that a peson can be whomever they choose to be. Things I don't like about me, I do have the ability, power, and the right to change. All I do have control over in this world is myself so I work on those things daily. If I do not take responsibility for that, if I settle that I am just the result of every bad thing that happens to me, then I have no reason to strive for better, am just a puppet of circumstance, and am an excuse to be used by the enemy.
Today was a victory for me, because I handled two negative situations with self positivity and to protect my peace. And I did it without cussing someone out, without allowing the to suck me into their drama, and without losing sight of the lesson that I was learning. Praise God.